
Edo Period 19th century


Woodblock print

This Edo period Japanese woodblock print is known as the Thirteen Buddhas. The Thirteen Buddhas (十三仏, Jūsanbutsu) are a grouping of Japanese Buddhist deities mainly in the Buddhist Shingon sect. The Thirteen Buddhas are not all Buddhas but a mixture of bodhisattvas, buddhas and wisdom kings. In the Buddhist Shingon sect, followers recite a devotional mantra to each deity. It would be common for followers to devote themselves to one particular deity if a teacher found it to be the most appropriate for the student to learn from.

In traditional Buddhist funeral services, it would be important for each deity to have a corresponding memorial service for the deceased. Each deity has a date associated with them:

·         Fudu 7th day

·         Shaka 14th day

·         Monju 21st day

·         Fugen 28th day

·         Jizo 35th day

·         Miroku 42nd day

·         Yakushi 49th day

·         Kannon 100th day

·         Seishi 1st anniversary

·         Amida 2nd anniversary

·         Ashuku 6th anniversary

·         Dainichi 12th anniversary

·         Kokuzo 32nd anniversary


730mm x 250mm
