
Meiji period, 19/20th century



A satsuma kogo (incense box) painted in black with lotus flowers to the lid. Inside is a painted scene of Hagurosan Sansho Daigongen, showing Kannon (centre), Gundari myo-o (bottom left), and myoken Bosatsu (bottom right).

In the Meiji period (1868-1912) the government forcibly separated the Buddhist and Shinto religions ordering a separation of Kami and Buddha worship. This prohibited the mixing of kami and buddha in shrines and temples. Kami could no longer be revered as avatars of the various buddha and bodhisattva. During this time the temple on Mt Haguro was converted to a Shinto-shrine called ideha jinja with another two mountains were designated gassan jinja and yudonsan jinja. These three are collectively known as Dewa Sanzan Jinja where these three deities are worshipped together in the main hall Gassaiden on Mt Haguro.

110mm x 37mm

Signed Gyozan